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Code Committee

The Code Committee is formed under the SRPW By-Laws Article X, Paragraph 10.02. The Code Committee strives to resolve problems where it appears that a homeowner is in violation of an obligation set forth in the Covenants, By Laws and/or Rules and Regulations. If the Code Committee cannot resolve the problem by communicating with the homeowner, the Code Committee is required to report violations to the Board of Trustees. The Code Committee does not respond to anonymous complaints. Review by the Code Committee is free to homeowners.

How to report a violation of the Covenants, By Laws and/or Rules and Regulations:

  1. Call the office or your trustee. If it is an exterior code violation, see the Forms and Resources page.
  2. Be specific about the violation - property address, nature of the violation, how long the violation existed, if you know.
  3. You must identify yourself. The Code Committee will not respond to anonymous complaints.

What if you have been notified as being in violation of the Covenants, By Laws and/or Rules and Regulations?

  1. Communicate with the Code Committee to determine if you can meet your needs while staying within the restrictions of the governing documents. If the issue involves an exterior modification, you can request that the Architectural Control Committee get involved.
  2. Comply by correcting the violation.
  3. If you do not correct the violation:

    You could be subject to fines or other equitable remedies for non-compliance. You will receive notice if these remedies will be pursued by the association. That notice will tell you the period within which you need to remedy the violation.

    ADR (Alternate Dispute Resolution) is provided for disputes. See By-Laws Article X, Section 10.03, 10.04; and Article XI.


    If you wish to apply to the Board of Trustees to serve on the Code Committee, you can do so verbally or in writing. The following knowledge would be helpful if you choose to apply to serve on this committee:

    Ability to read property maps, use rudimentary measuring tools, and understand and apply HOA Rules and Regulation. If you do not have this knowledge, but feel you can be trained in this area, indicate your willingness to be trained in your application.